Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
I will, thank you for all the info. I'm actually going to take a break for now. But I'll definitely read into it.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
I really wish I could find a book to read about this similar to how I learned c++ & c#. starting from hello world and making my way up
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
What truly buggers me about all of this, is that I'm told to not ever connect directly to my server. I THINK the reason for this is because if someone gets ahold of my program they can decompile it and find the username & password for my server.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
serialize and deserialize is a term I don't know yet
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
I do want to mention I was trying to create a Json file for my android app, but when I selected the add and searched through all of the file types, the file type json didn't exist.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
Thank you, I'm still processing what you've typed
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
@.mayormccheese I do have the ports forwarded with a static ip address. So I'm able to access my pc from multiple devices. My laptop with a winform app that does essentially the same thing as my android app is way faster at connecting for some reason though. Do you think my android app would perform faster if I used a restful api? I need to learn about that but I'm worried it wont help.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
I'm using something called SQLyog Community
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
This stuff has really blown my mind otherwise
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
I'm trying to learn about sql, databases, and how I can change values and stuff. It's working and its incredible honestly. But I'm just having issues with lag.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
My personal pc.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
Here is the code where I'm hanging from time to time, its at connection.Open();
private string connectionString = DATASOURCE + port + UN + PS + DB + "Connection Timeout=10;";

public List<Cells> getAllCells(string location)
// starting with an empty list
List<Cells> cells = new List<Cells>();
// connect to the mySQL server
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

//create an open connection (this logs into the server) and is where I'm getting stuck for 5 seconds and sometimes freezing
private string connectionString = DATASOURCE + port + UN + PS + DB + "Connection Timeout=10;";

public List<Cells> getAllCells(string location)
// starting with an empty list
List<Cells> cells = new List<Cells>();
// connect to the mySQL server
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

//create an open connection (this logs into the server) and is where I'm getting stuck for 5 seconds and sometimes freezing
I feel like that ConnectionTimeout=10 increases the speed of the connection, I know it doesnt. Just using it as a placebo to make me feel better. I only wanted to use something I was familiar with. I have 0 experience in API, and a tiny bit with SQL.
28 replies
Created by Grin on 8/3/2023 in #help
❔ How can I connect to an API?
Sorry I went away from this for a bit
28 replies
Created by uselessxp on 7/26/2023 in #help
❔ Xamarin.Forms Android App problem using Application.Context.StartActivity(intent)
I think this has something to do with
// Set the main layout for the activity
// Set the main layout for the activity
I could be wrong, but I've found that including layouts within my activity_main xml file this error dissappears.
4 replies
Created by Grin on 7/18/2023 in #help
✅ What knowledge base is necessary to create a winforms app that communicates with a server?
I'll go ahead and look into AspNet Core videos. Thank you for all your advise and information.
5 replies
Created by Grin on 7/18/2023 in #help
✅ What knowledge base is necessary to create a winforms app that communicates with a server?
I was planning on creating an online server that is accessed by a single winforms app and multiple android tablets (Xamarin). But just for the time being, to try to understand how this system would work I wanted to create a very very small winforms app that communicates with an online server I would host. I've never heard of port forwarding, static / dynamic ip addresses or VPS. I think my greatest weakness is understanding this stuff right now. I wish I could find a current book that just teaches users where to start to begin with servers and hosting.
5 replies
Created by Grin on 6/30/2023 in #help
✅ Xamarin debugging issues
After about a week the problem has been solved. I was using old NuGet packages that weren't compatible with Xamarin. To solve this problem you have to right click on your project name in project solutions, select manage NuGet packages, and update all expired NuGet packages.
5 replies
Created by Grin on 7/3/2023 in #help
❔ IDE error when trying to debug
I wish I could get more info from him, the version of VS he's using, why he's able to get into it. But he's been ghosting me a bit because I've been overburdening on the issue.
37 replies
Created by Grin on 7/3/2023 in #help
❔ IDE error when trying to debug
I actually have a friend on discord that doesn't have this issue. He downloaded xamarin and tested it, and he was able to debug no problem within this function. I imagine I may be a really rare case.
37 replies