Created by Gax on 12/22/2024 in #help
Deleting an entity with a many-to-many relationship throws an ArgumentNullException
did you got it? @Gax
46 replies
Created by hAssAnNaWaZi on 12/20/2024 in #help
Trouble Setting up double controllers in a single MVC .net project, API controllers and MVC controll
@glhays @Anton Thank you for responding, i did a lot of debugging and tried many solutions, but I am not able to decide what's going on. Theres something wrong the tag helpers, since I was able to achieve my thing with this @* <form method="post" asp-controller="Auth" asp-action="Login"> *@ <form method="post" action="Auth/Login"> but using the tag helpers it would render the page and it is going to have html like following <form method="post" action="Api/Auth/Login"> however it had to be <form method="post" action="Auth/Login"> which was produced when I used hardcoded action, instead of using taghelper and utilising asp-action thing I am not able to figure out yet that why is the tag helper making such behavior
11 replies