Created by ethanrox on 3/27/2024 in #help
What is the most modern source for CLR internals
This article from 2005 is cited a lot when discussing .NET CLR internals. Is there a similar point of references (examples + depth) for modern .NET ?
8 replies
Created by ethanrox on 2/28/2024 in #help
IO threads - why need them?
Does anybody have a blogpost/article that explains in a deep way how IO threads work (can be .net framework resource). Can they mix with worker-threads in the execution of a single task that has both IO calls and also does compute-bound work?
151 replies
Created by ethanrox on 2/4/2024 in #help
Is there a list of all .NET Core gotchas? Can you list some...
I accidentally referenced a .NET Framework (4.5) dll in the csproj of a .NET 6 application. No warning. Nothing. It just works. Found the following issue: You have a nuget warning for when you reference a .net framework package in .net (core) but nothing from dotnet build/msbuild. Does anybody know of a blog post or can share experience in all the gotchas for .NET(Core) they have encountered similar to this one? Another example is the automatic consumption of lower version .NET Core libraries with "no issue" apparently although .NET releases aren't supposed to be fully backward compatible.
46 replies
Created by ethanrox on 1/23/2024 in #help
How does waiting on a locked object by a managed thread work exactly in .NET (Windows)
If we have a thread that is waiting to acquire a lock for a while and the thin lock of the locked object is promoted to a fat lock and a kernel object is created (sync block table etc) - what mechanism is used to wake up the waiting thread exactly?
5 replies
Created by ethanrox on 12/18/2023 in #help
Binding redirects for .NET Core
Google doesn't help me too too much in answering the question why are binding redirects not available for .NET Core. How does .NET (Core) solved the issues that .NET Framework faced by eliminating binding-redirects altogether?
14 replies