RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
Created by SubrosaBalumNL on 3/13/2024 in #📞|support
appartment invites apparently not working properly
i tried to create a house party but a lot of people had the issue that they did get a pop up of the appartment invite but apparently it did not appear in their v menu appartment options invites
2 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
Created by SubrosaBalumNL on 4/10/2023 in #📞|support
error while applying your ultimate supporter purchases
just bought new ult supporter after mine ran out like 30 minutes ago i think. error message is: RES_PERM_ERROR. tried reloading like 8 times by now so issue persists 😅
7 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
Created by SubrosaBalumNL on 2/5/2023 in #📞|support
big screen spawning
as an ultimate supporter im able to spawn that big screen right? if so how or where?
3 replies