Adam Mateusz Brożyński
Adam Mateusz Brożyński
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 7/2/2024 in #👊support
Related page is null in translated menu items (following guide)
I followed this: - I have menu component with translatable title and non translatable related page field. - In my primary locale: $link->getRelated('page') works so I can do ->first()->slug() with no problems. - In my secondary locale I get the items with translated titles but $link->getRelated('page') is null.
22 replies
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 7/1/2024 in #👊support
block->imagesAsArraysWithCrops('image_set') gives objects with empty alt and caption
…even though those fields are filled up in Media library for those images. Edit: I was making some tests with blocks containing medias and there is no more medias at all after saving block with medias. I see saved images but in preview there is no $block->medias and $block->imagesAsArraysWithCrops('cover') returns empty array… Everything seems to be broken.
17 replies
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 7/1/2024 in #👊support
How to set datepicker default?
I try to set current date for datepicker as default but can't get any results: DatePicker::make()->name('date')->label(__('Date'))->time24Hr(true)->allowInput(true)->default(HOW?) There are no docs on this topic.
1 replies
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 6/29/2024 in #👊support
Can I change WYSIWYG editor behaviour to use classes instead of style attributes for text align?
There is no way I would ever allow editors to use "style" tag in their HTML content… (Btw. "align" button in quill is not working at all)
6 replies
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 6/29/2024 in #👊support
Is it possible to use Twill with Twig (rcrowe) for frontend (block and module templates)?
… Blade is the antithesis of what template engine should be and I really don't get it why such a great framework like Laravel choose to support it natively. So is is possible to avoid it while creating block and module templates in Twill?
6 replies
Created by Adam Mateusz Brożyński on 6/29/2024 in #👊support
Admin route not working in Twill 3.3 + Laravel 11
On fresh install of Laravel 10 everything works without any problem. On fresh install of Laravel 11 /admin route throws 404. Nothing changes after manually providing url in .env or twill.php. Seems to be Laravel 11 related.
10 replies