Created by Rexuo on 6/12/2024 in #community-help
my ping got worse ystr it was 60-70 now its 90-100
Idk what happened tbh just woke up to this
28 replies
Created by Rexuo on 2/15/2024 in #community-help
Help me i can hear where the footsteps are coming from
just go the blackshark v2 headphones ppl told me its good but i really cant hear where ppl are coming from anyone that know how to fix it
60 replies
Created by Rexuo on 1/3/2024 in #community-help
headphones suggestions
I have really bad headphones atm i cant hear where footsteps coming from and overall sucks. I wanna buy new that arent too expensive but good for gaming include valorant ofc.
21 replies