manda putra
Is there any way to postgres notify and listen with kysley?
I want to use
but I would create a new instance connection just for that. It would be much better if I can use kysley for pg_notify listener? Could I build a plugin with the current plugin systems? is it possible? or I can already use raw sql query?1 replies
Question : How do you write integration test, and avoid flakynees?
Everytime I wrote test for the backend, I always do integration test that include real database call. I dont really like creating a mock. But the downside is, having a lot of test that have dependence on many table would create a flaky test sometimes. So we apply some rule to write integration test :
1. Always clean the data after the test run
2. Don't manipulate database seeder
3. Create a data seeder for test
4. Make a daily CI to run all test to detect flaky tests
That is enough, but sometimes we still got some flaky test, and I found this library, its seems promising that we can isolate and make out test suite as a whole transaction. But I'm still not sure how to apply that in kysley.
My question is :
1. Is there any rules that I should know on writing integration test especially for database call? Is there anything that you guys might add?
2. Can we integrate kysley with
so we can make all of the database call as a transaction, so we wont have many conflicting data accross test?
Thanks in advance! Waiting for your opinion guys! :))7 replies