Created by alexx on 11/3/2022 in #help
401 when running coder
I followed the AWS quickstart guide to set-up coder, workspace-wise I'm using the aws-linux template. I'm now getting 401s when running git (through coder gitssh) within the workspace:
coder@coder-alex-alexcodermain:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'nocode'...
Cookie "coder_session_token" must be provided. Try logging in using 'coder login <url>'.
Run 'coder gitssh --help' for usage.
coder@coder-alex-alexcodermain:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'nocode'...
Cookie "coder_session_token" must be provided. Try logging in using 'coder login <url>'.
Run 'coder gitssh --help' for usage.
Weirdly I can run other coder commands fine & login doesn't resolve the gitssh 401s. Any ideas what might be happening here?
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