✅ not sure why my if else code isnt displaying what it should be
I am making a console application that is supposed to allow the user to enter the prices of items and if -999 is entered it will display the total price without tax and shipping but the code for shipping doesnt seem to work
5 replies
cant figure out how to calculate averages
using System;
namespace MyApp
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double test1 = score1("Please enter the score of the first test");
while (test1 > -999)
test1 = score1("Please enter the score of your test");
double total = grade(test1);
public static void Intro()
Console.Title = ("EX38");
Console.WindowHeight = 15;
Console.WindowWidth = 60;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
public static double score1(string s)
double test1 = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
return test1;
public static double grade(double test1)
double total = (test1+999) / 5;
Console.WriteLine("The average of the grades is {0:f1}", total);
return total;
public static void letter(double total)
if (total > 89)
Console.WriteLine("This is an A");
if (total < 89 && total > 79)
Console.WriteLine("This is an B");
if (total < 79 && total > 69)
Console.WriteLine("This is an C");
if (total < 69 && total > 59)
Console.WriteLine("This is an D");
if (total < 59)
Console.WriteLine("This is an F");
public static void Ending()
Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 15, Console.WindowHeight - 2);
Console.WriteLine("Press enter twice to close window.");
53 replies