Created by Alponka on 5/7/2024 in #community-help
valorant rank
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Created by Alponka on 4/14/2024 in #community-help
FPS Help
My pc used to run valorant lowest graphics at ~300, now it runs it at 240 however every like 5-10 seconds it freezes for a bit comes back and freezes again and so on. I have closed discord, spotify, opra, and my fps is still the same and the freezes still happen. Any help is appreciated :)
14 replies
Created by Alponka on 3/26/2023 in #community-help
Lag Without Latency
I have been lagging on valorant for about a month now and i have no idea why. Its so hard to play as i keep getting rubber banded or teleported without anything spiking. -My packet loss stays at 0 or 1% -My ping in game does not go above 30 -My FPS stays above 160 -This is the only game that i am lagging on or experiencing something like this on Any help?
1 replies
Created by Alponka on 3/23/2023 in #community-help
Im lagging and rubber banding 24/7 while on 17 ping. This is the only game that does this to me. Even if i close all my things open in the background and just have valorant running, it happens. - My drivers are fully updated - My packetloss doesnt go above 1 - My ping doesnt go above 20 - This is the only game i have issues like this on Any Help?
1 replies