Created by Ottobus on 8/21/2024 in #help
Docker in workspaces and volumes
Hello, I'm running container with Sysbox in Kubernetes based workspaces. I have persisted with Kubernetes PV the workspace /home/coder and /var/lib/docker directory. Developers run container inside their workspace with --rm option (docker run --rm) so while restarting the coder workspace, the nested developers container should be deleted. This working well except for anonymous volumes that are created with the developers container. While i'm restarting the workspace, and checking the /var/lib/docker/volumes the anonymous still there. These lead to full fill the Kubernetes PV. It's look like a problem of gracefull shutdown of the workspace that running docker container. Is anyone as encounter the same problem ?
14 replies
Created by Ottobus on 4/30/2024 in #help
Session token expiration date
Hello, I have a problem with coder session token (the one generated here: https://<MY_CODER_SERVER>/cli-auth). I can't find how to limit this token life duration, is it like api token (100y default) ? I don't think so because I can't see it while running "coder token ls". I have connected keycloak as OICD provider of the coder serever, and I set OICD token life duration directly on Keycloak but it doesn't seem to be a oicd token neither. Is someone can help me to limite this token life duration ? Thanks 🙏
6 replies