RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓⁶⁶⁷ on 11/24/2023 in #📞|support
180sx type x pop ups
Some cars open their pop-up headlights with the same keybinds as for motorcycle lean back and forward (left ctrl / left shift). I believe this is one of those cars.
8 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by 𝕹.𝖀.𝕹 on 9/23/2023 in #📞|support
off road speed limit
In the handling editor, try setting your off road traction loss to zero (it’s usually 1). Cars will always go slower off-road, but that mitigates it somewhat.
6 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by LSG I salxking I BOSS on 9/25/2023 in #📞|support
i wanna know how ppl make those MASSIVE wheels, and if it"s allowed.
I figured out how to do it. Spawn the dump truck, and put non-default wheels on it. Go to F6 menu, and save the preset in client presets menu.
Spawn another vehicle, add non-default wheels to it, and load the F6 preset you saved earlier.
16 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by LSG I salxking I BOSS on 9/26/2023 in #📞|support
cops never some in PvP even if i use /wanted 5
Do you get traffic/pedestrians spawning in?
6 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by LSG I salxking I BOSS on 9/26/2023 in #📞|support
cops never some in PvP even if i use /wanted 5
You may need to move around to get them to spawn sometimes. If you set wanted to 5, and drive around, do you see police on the mini map?
6 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by LSG I salxking I BOSS on 9/25/2023 in #📞|support
i wanna know how ppl make those MASSIVE wheels, and if it"s allowed.
I see. I’m not sure how you’d make wheels as big as you’re saying. Hopefully someone can answer that part.
16 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by 𝕹.𝖀.𝕹 on 9/23/2023 in #📞|support
off road speed limit
If you’re referring to the 540kph/335mph limit, you can disable that in the vehicle option menu (change speed limit to reset and press enter). Otherwise, there shouldn’t be a speed limit for off-road terrain (e.g. grass) that I’m aware of.
6 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by LSG I salxking I BOSS on 9/25/2023 in #📞|support
i wanna know how ppl make those MASSIVE wheels, and if it"s allowed.
You can use F6 for the wheel menu (larger diameter and width). In your image, it looks like the player has instead used the vehicle handling menu (F7) to greatly increase their vehicle’s ride height/suspension height. You’re allowed to do this.
16 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by EzY-OnTheStix on 9/2/2023 in #📞|support
game look bad
Can't send a link, but if you Google "alphr move steam", and go to the alphr dot com link, there's a guide there on moving individual games.
7 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by mikeoksmol on 8/9/2023 in #📞|support
how can i mute the engine audio?
You can mute your own vehicle’s engine sound if you set it to oppressor mk II in vehicle settings, engine audio. You cannot mute other players’ vehicle audio.
3 replies