✅ TCP P2P Data transfer in C# .net framework, ms forms
I'm really stuck on my project i have been building a p2p chat application using a tcp connection, i have built the code and have client side and host side of the code depending on the host of the chat. But thats not the problem... the problem is that i make a connection to a TCP server (basically a tcp host on another pc) on a open port. It makes the connection. Responds saying that there was a connection then i send out a message containing a predesignated prefix containin data that i want sending back. And i get no response, i have checked the code and the prefixes over and over and i have no clue what is wrong please help. I will try to provide more information...
7 replies
How to add a recource file from a .net forms project into a setup file.
Basically im doing a school project and i have written a whole project using recourses within my Resource file in my forms app. however when i go to compile it into a setup file none of my file have directorys and i cant find them in the compiled app, even though when I run a Debug compile on visual studio it all works. Please help im behind on a deadline
14 replies