The White Fang
The White Fang
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by The White Fang on 10/28/2023 in #questions
Authentication that works with everything.
Hey, I am trying to build a custom authentication which can work with react-native apps, next-auth's custom credential providers and basic react SPA. I have a basic idea of what I should be doing but, I would like some opinions and things I should be aware of before writing some code that would fail. Also, I have a question. How do I create API endpoints that can handle token based authentication (for react-native apps) and cookie based for SPA and next-apps?
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by The White Fang on 1/26/2023 in #questions
Does anyone know of any bugs that makes the type inference to break?
I was working on a project, it was using turbo repo. I updated the systems typescript version to 4.9.4, it was already being used in some other similar project. And after a restart my typings went completely shit. What happens is it would show the the correct typings when I access the types in same file, but as soon as I try to access the properties on another file, typings break and it says that the type which was infered correctly is not any.
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by The White Fang on 1/10/2023 in #questions
How to create a cli like create-t3-app?
I am hoping to create a template similar to create-t3-app which is inspired by t3-stack as well but with my personalised spin on it. I know how to create CLIs but I was wondering if there are any tips/shortcuts/suggestions that I can use to create it without wanting to kill myself. Please help me out. 🙂
8 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by The White Fang on 12/30/2022 in #questions
AppRouter being inffered as any
I am trying to setup TRPC for my react native app in a turbo repo. But after importing the AppRouter it is showing as 'any'. I have no clue what I did wrong as I was following the guide from TRPC doc. The react-native app is a bare-rn app. And I am using yarn as my package manager with
"installConfig": {
"hoistingLimits": "workspaces"
"installConfig": {
"hoistingLimits": "workspaces"
This is my directory structure
|__ apps
|__ react-native-app
|__ backend
|__ packages
This is my directory structure
|__ apps
|__ react-native-app
|__ backend
|__ packages
3 replies