Created by OTDL on 1/3/2025 in #help
C# api response infinitly loading and stops debuging with working api and blazor
// Blazor code method that gets the categories and applies pagination and such private async Task GetCategories() { ViewModel.IsLoading = true; var categories = await CategoryService.GetCategories(null); ViewModel.TotalItems = categories.Count(); ViewModel.TotalPages = ViewModel.TotalItems / ViewModel.PageSize; if (ViewModel.TotalItems % ViewModel.PageSize != 0) { ViewModel.TotalPages++; } int startIndex = (ViewModel.CurrentPage - 1) * ViewModel.PageSize; int endIndex = Math.Min(startIndex + ViewModel.PageSize, ViewModel.TotalItems); var categoriesResponse = categories.Skip(startIndex).Take(ViewModel.PageSize).ToList(); ViewModel.CategoriesList = categoriesResponse.Select(async x => { var count = await GetItemsInCategory(x.Id); return new CategoryViewModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, Count = count }; }).Select(t => t.Result).ToList(); ViewModel.IsLoading = false; } // Blazor code method that gets the amount in category, its currently using the second api method code would be different with the first one private async Task<int> GetItemsInCategory(Guid id) { var products = await CategoryService.GetProductAmountByCategory(id); return products; } Please help me if i need to add any other code or explanation say so.
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