Getting quench running
Thanks. I got it working now - still not sure what the issue was (no errors in the log, I don't think anything was nested...), but commenting the simpler invocation back in worked this time.
Thanks again for the support, and for the module. I'm psyched to have this as a tool.
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Getting quench running
Thanks for the response! - Yes, I deactivated the example tests - I did remove the typing from the nonsense tests, after which my linter was happy - Right now it's picking up no tests at all, even with the minimal version you posted. I'm placing that right into my sinless-foundry-system.mjs that sits in module and is referenced by the esmodules array in system.json.
I'm not doing any quench related includes in my project - I've only installed it into my dev Foundry server. Did I miss needing to do anything at the module level?
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