Looking for a better way to cancel on keypress from the console
(actually not sure if "console input buffer handle" is the standard input one or a different one from CreateConsoleScreenBuffer, but this doesn't have any other implications)
45 replies
Looking for a better way to cancel on keypress from the console
Sadly the .net Console doesn't expose any of the general event handling stuff the winapi console has. It looks definitely possible to adapt a "waitable" handle like the one from GetStdHandle(in) to the async model, but the WaitHandle type is a mystery to me
45 replies
Looking for a better way to cancel on keypress from the console
Maybe handling an event instead of polling is possible here
A process can specify a console input buffer handle in one of the wait functions to determine when there is unread console input
45 replies
✅ a class implementing a generic interface with more than one interface as one generic type argument
Oh, this works
...but I really wish the <T> wouldn't need to be here, I'll need to validate that T == member return type (I won't, it will be a default one, but I will need to construct a generic type with e.g.
as a type arg 😔) 33 replies
✅ a class implementing a generic interface with more than one interface as one generic type argument
There's just no way without some feature like extensions or something that would let me say "whatever implements I1 and I2 is X, and I have class C : IConverter<X>"
33 replies
✅ a class implementing a generic interface with more than one interface as one generic type argument
if there isn't a ConverterAttribute specified, I'll search in a list of types for a Converter<T> implementation that can be used - I need to get the T from it and check if T is compatible with the type that will be (de)serialized (this check differs slightly between reference types and value types)
33 replies
✅ a class implementing a generic interface with more than one interface as one generic type argument
yeah, I see that using Type.GenericTypeArguments produces
IL2065 Value passed to implicit 'this' parameter of method 'System.Type.GetInterface(String)' can not be statically determined and may not meet 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute' requirements.
no matter what33 replies