Created by Krümel on 7/31/2023 in #help
❔ .runsettings file for unit tests
We have the problem that every user has to manually select the globally stored runsettings-file. Where is this path to the runsettings file stored?
6 replies
Created by Krümel on 4/18/2023 in #help
❔ .NET MAUI class library name dependend on platform
I have created a .NET MAUI class library for Windows and Android. The build gives me the following folders: - net7.0-android - net7.0-windows10.0.19041.0 The SampleProject.dll is created in both. How do I get the dll to have an addition, e.g: net7.0-android\SampleProject.Android.dll net7.0-android\SampleProject.Windows.dll Is there some way I can specifiy a different name for each platform?
2 replies