Created by Giovanni S on 7/25/2024 in #🛠│developer-questions
Giovanni S | Flow (2024-07-25)
HCUs would be different from sporks. Blocks are produced continually (just not executed or sealed), so block timestamps would be as accurate as they normally are, w.r.t. block creation time. It would just take longer for their result to be sealed. I think HCUs normally take around 5-10 minutes.
9 replies
Created by Giovanni S on 7/25/2024 in #🛠│developer-questions
Giovanni S | Flow (2024-07-25)
When we spork, we set the spork root block timestamp to time.Now() at the time it is constructed. When it is constructed is early in the spork process, because partner consensus operators need to pull the block down, sign their votes for it, and send the votes to us. In general the timestamp properties for the first block F of a spork would look like: - F.timestamp = F.parent.timestamp + k1, k1 is much larger than 10s - If t_start is the actual time when the network starts after the spork, then F.timestamp = t_start - k2, k2 is much larger than 10s and much larger than k1. - After the network starts up after the spork, the timestamp field will increase by 10s per block (faster than wall-clock time) until it converges with wallclock time. (This is all assuming we use the defaults and don't pre-specify the timestamp flag to be the expected startup time as part of the spork process. I'm pretty sure we don't.)
9 replies
Created by jordan on 9/5/2023 in #🛠│developer-questions
jordanschalm (2023-09-05)
Ah makes sense. Thanks!
6 replies
Created by jordan on 9/5/2023 in #🛠│developer-questions
jordanschalm (2023-09-05)
Also, the old --args-json flag still works:
% flow transactions send ./minimal-example-1-arg.cdc --network canary --signer canary-service --args-json '[{"type": "UInt64", "value": "2"}]'
% flow transactions send ./minimal-example-1-arg.cdc --network canary --signer canary-service --args-json '[{"type": "UInt64", "value": "2"}]'
6 replies
Created by jordan on 9/5/2023 in #🛠│developer-questions
jordanschalm (2023-09-05)
I'm going off the documented command format: flow transactions send <code filename> [<argument> <argument>...] [flags] from I'm on v1.4.0. I have successfully used this command syntax on a previous installation. Don't recall what version that was unfortunately.
6 replies