Created by arcoz on 9/5/2023 in #✋|help
Hello, i have a deploy error that i don't have before
Hello, my last deploy was a year ago, i have make a litle update and now the nodejs projet give my a path error for a file that i don't have touch, i have try to redeploy the deploy before my update but same error, my error :
throw err;


Error: Cannot find module '../../index.js'

Require stack:

- /usr/src/app/src/handlers/events/event.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/client.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/index.ts
throw err;


Error: Cannot find module '../../index.js'

Require stack:

- /usr/src/app/src/handlers/events/event.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/client.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/index.ts
36 replies
Created by arcoz on 8/3/2023 in #✋|help
dayjs tz function dont work on railway
Hello, is the nodejs Date object handle other that in windows ? I have this error in production Argument gte for is not a valid Date object. but in local i don't have a error
38 replies