CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Kainoa on 10/25/2024 in #pages-help
Unable to run async logic in page function?
Right now I'm trying to add image generation middleware to my SPA via "@cloudflare/pages-plugin-vercel-og", but it seems I can't run any async logic in the plugin, which is an issue since the font used needs to be fetched. Right now, this works:
export const onRequest = vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
imagePathSuffix: "/social-image.png",
options: {
emoji: "twemoji",
component: ({ ogTitle, pathname }) => {
return <div
// ...
export const onRequest = vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
imagePathSuffix: "/social-image.png",
options: {
emoji: "twemoji",
component: ({ ogTitle, pathname }) => {
return <div
// ...
But this fails:
// also fails with
// export const onRequest = async () => vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
export const onRequest = vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
imagePathSuffix: "/social-image.png",
options: {
emoji: "twemoji",
fonts: [{
data: await fetch("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/fontsource/fonts/ibm-plex-sans@latest/latin-400-normal.woff2").then(res => res.arrayBuffer()),
style: 'normal'
component: ({ ogTitle, pathname }) => {
return <div
// ...
// also fails with
// export const onRequest = async () => vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
export const onRequest = vercelOGPagesPlugin<Props>({
imagePathSuffix: "/social-image.png",
options: {
emoji: "twemoji",
fonts: [{
data: await fetch("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/fontsource/fonts/ibm-plex-sans@latest/latin-400-normal.woff2").then(res => res.arrayBuffer()),
style: 'normal'
component: ({ ogTitle, pathname }) => {
return <div
// ...
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