WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 10/19/2024 in #❓︱questions
Grow/Shrink cards on hover
Hi @Web Bae Thank you so much! It’s amazing that this can be done with CSS! I can’t access the Webflow preview, though
5 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 9/4/2024 in #❓︱questions
Need Help with a Simple GSAP Animation Not Working on Page Load
Thank you very much, Keegan! It’s very strange, I deleted the class, created a new one carefully, and it kept giving me the error that it wasn’t a valid selector. I ended up changing it to an ID, and it works fine. It works for me either way! Thank you very much for your wisdom!!!
4 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Purv on 8/29/2024 in #❓︱questions
Vertical logo Marquee
6 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Purv on 8/29/2024 in #❓︱questions
Vertical logo Marquee
6 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 4/26/2024 in #❓︱questions
CSS Grid question
updte: I solved it with flex. bye bye grid lol
2 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 4/4/2024 in #❓︱questions
Webflow Custom Code Limit
nice! I'll try it
5 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by jordi on 3/26/2024 in #❓︱questions
Is it possible to create this with an SVG in CSS, or JS / GSAP? Or would I have to import a lottie?
I think you can do it with pure css, but I recommend you to check the lottie library, may be something very similar for free
4 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 2/24/2024 in #❓︱questions
Finsweet CMS Filter Attribute - "VIEW ALL" button
Thank you so much, Patrick! It's exactly what I was looking for. It's strange that the folks at Finsweet didn't have it completed, but your solution is simply perfect! You really helped me a lot 🙂
12 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 2/24/2024 in #❓︱questions
Finsweet CMS Filter Attribute - "VIEW ALL" button
Thank you so much for your loom! I can make the "checked" by default, but I can't add the "active" class. I explain it better in this loom:
12 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 2/24/2024 in #❓︱questions
Finsweet CMS Filter Attribute - "VIEW ALL" button
Hey @AtomicZBRA , thanks for your reply, yes, the page is: I can't find a way to keep "View all" selected when you load the page and unselected when you select other filter :S
12 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 1/6/2024 in #❓︱questions
non common slider
update: I think they use:
2 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 12/9/2023 in #❓︱questions
Clip Path Bae APP question
11 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 12/9/2023 in #❓︱questions
Clip Path Bae APP question
oh, discord converted my svg to code, I will compress it
11 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 12/9/2023 in #❓︱questions
Clip Path Bae APP question
No description
11 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 12/9/2023 in #❓︱questions
Clip Path Bae APP question
No description
11 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 10/17/2023 in #❓︱questions
Irregular grid using 1 CMS collection
I did it! Thanks a lot Web Bae!
14 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 10/17/2023 in #❓︱questions
Irregular grid using 1 CMS collection
Excellent, Keegan! You really went above and beyond with your help! And on top of that, while you're traveling, it's worth double! Thank you very much. I'll let you know here when I implement it.
14 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Ander on 10/17/2023 in #❓︱questions
Irregular grid using 1 CMS collection
yep, I suck at pseudo-classes, I tryied with chatgpt without success, but I will try again, the father should be a grid or a flexbox? what's your opinion?
14 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Vhibezfx on 10/12/2023 in #❓︱questions
Webflow Apps
I’m workingo on an app right now, the submission to webflow team is mandatory
3 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Sushant Dhiwar on 10/9/2023 in #❓︱questions
How can I count the CMS field and display the count?
sorry, what's the issue? the "read more" goes to the Blog Detail?
9 replies