•Created by Seepy on 9/24/2024 in #community-help
Where can I find a coach that can help improve?
I'm a ascendant 2 astra/vyse player and I've peaked asc 3, and I've been searching the internet in and out to find a good and afordable coach that can help me improve to get to immortal.
I've been playing valorant basically since it came out and I've been through every rank imaginable from iron 1 to ascendant 3 and I've just never felt that I'm good enouth to reach that immo peak that I've always strived for so I'm comming here now to ask you all if anyone has any suggestions for me about a good coach that they found or a coach that they like.
My tracker if anyone's intressted
3 replies
•Created by Seepy on 4/22/2024 in #community-help
Does know of any paid or free coaching that I could get?
6 replies