•Created by Sparky on 11/27/2024 in #community-help
need a good aimlabs
Take your time with the 50-100 bots and make sure your crosshair is on the bot’s head before shooting. This will slow down your aim and make it more consistent.
16 replies
•Created by Sparky on 11/27/2024 in #community-help
need a good aimlabs
A couple of things
1) you’re rushing your shots a lot. Take that extra half second to really line up your crosshair with their head and then shoot.
2) your crosshair’s a bit too close to the angles at times, hold a bit wider.
Your raw aim isn’t the issue, you’re making decent flicks and micro adjustments and your movement isn’t too bad either. You’re just panicking and shooting too early.
To fix the shooting too early issue, go to the range and select 50 bots or 100 bots no strafe with armor. After that, stand in the left corner of the range and practice killing the bots in small 2 bullet bursts. Take your time with the bots since they won’t be moving and they can’t shoot back.
Also since you’re in Dia-asc lobbies I’m also going to need a match VOD because I wanna make sure that your positioning is good and that you’re using utility or swinging off other people’s utility.
16 replies
•Created by Sparky on 11/27/2024 in #community-help
need a good aimlabs
Before I can make a concrete decision I need you to answer a couple of questions:
1) Whats your current rank?
2) What is your sensitivity (edpi)?
3) Upload a deathmatch/tdm VOD on youtube and we'll analyze your movement and how you position yourself.
16 replies