i think cat
i think cat
Created by i think cat on 12/19/2023 in #community-help
Loading Screen
My loading screens (Match loading screens & Game Open loading screen) are taking so long, to the point where i miss 1-2 rounds during matches. Everything else is fine, i have low ping, running good graphics, and stable 250+ fps, the only problem im having is the long loading screens that im having for no reason.
12 replies
Created by i think cat on 2/23/2023 in #community-help
Reaver Vandal & Phantom or Prime Vandal & Phantom
I can only buy 1 skin each for vandal & phantom and I'm thinking about either Reaver or Prime? And no I wont do Reaver Vandal with Prime Phantom and vice versa, I'd like to keep it matching
25 replies
Created by i think cat on 2/22/2023 in #community-help
-36% Forsaken or -49% Reaver?
No description
16 replies