Created by VitalJeevanjot on 6/16/2023 in #help
Blazor server vs. Blazor web assembly + Minimal API
If my project can be created in any of the above. Which one should i go with for better future support and creation of projects (assuming future projects can be created anyone from above).
88 replies
Created by VitalJeevanjot on 6/15/2023 in #help
✅ Calling toast library function in scaffolded cshtml.cs
Hi, Can someome please point on to how to use shared/mycomponent function in a scaffolded cshtml -> cs for example in identity/pages/account/manage/register.cshtml.cs i want to invoke my toast component
@inject IToastService toastService

@code {
public void Toast(string text)
RenderFragment message =@<text>@text</text>;
toastService.ShowToast(ToastLevel.Info, message);
Console.WriteLine("Not right!");
@inject IToastService toastService

@code {
public void Toast(string text)
RenderFragment message =@<text>@text</text>;
toastService.ShowToast(ToastLevel.Info, message);
Console.WriteLine("Not right!");
66 replies