Created by adoma on 4/28/2023 in #help
❔ Why is my deserialize not working here:
private static void SearchGame() { Write("Title: "); string title = ReadLine(); HttpResponseMessage response = null; response = httpClient.GetAsync($"games/{title}").Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var games = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<GameDTO>>(content); foreach (var game in games) { WriteLine($"Id: {game.Id}"); WriteLine($"Title: {game.Title}"); WriteLine($"Description: {game.Description}"); WriteLine($"Release Date: {game.ReleaseDate}"); WriteLine($"Genre: {game.Genre}"); WriteLine($"Image URL: {game.ImageUrl}"); WriteLine(); } ReadKey(); Clear(); }
16 replies
Created by adoma on 3/23/2023 in #help
✅ Asp.Net Help
I'm working on a assignment and really need some help. We have to make a website where we can show high scores on 4 different games. I have 2 tables (games and Scores) with a one to many relation between them, where one game can have many scores. On the submit new high score page I have 4 input fields, the first one is a dropdown where I generated the game.titles from games table. My problem is when I try to submit the gameId always stays on 0.
39 replies
Created by adoma on 10/10/2022 in #help
I need help with the last part of an assignment
I´m a student from Sweden studying c# and i´m making a product manager. The part i´m struggling with is removing a specific product from a list. How the console program works, we have a menu option 1-6 option 1 Create product option 2 display product option 3 Create category option 4 Place product in category option 5 show category and products in it
I don´t have a problem with removing the product from the product dictionary. But the problem is that the product i removed still shows up when i choose option number 5. sorry if my explaining is bad, English is my second language.
12 replies