CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Parth on 8/7/2023 in #general-help
Cloudflared Tunnel Service in IPV6
I tried the following command sudo cloudflared service install token --edge-ip-version 6 but it just hangs at INF Using Systemd is there any other way to solve this out. My networking is only ipv6 for now
3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Parth on 7/12/2023 in #general-help
Lock User(Identification from JWT) to specific Device Id via cloudflared.
I explored Zero trust docs and found that we can provide a list of device ID allowed to access our website but is there a way to block user1 logging in from another device then its assigned to in zero trust or maybe I need to write a different worker to check those kind of things. I did explored docs but didn't had luck for this use case. any help or lead to some documentation which I could have missed would be really be appreciated.
1 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Parth on 6/24/2023 in #general-help
Which Permission in API Token to be selected?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Parth on 6/21/2023 in #pages-help
Disable and *
Hello, I want to disable the pages subdomain for the website and allow only to be accessed from the custom domain assigned to it. tried the way with access but I am getting restricted on custom domain as well. Thank you.
7 replies