TLCTuto's Laravel Corner
Created by Irissu on 1/8/2025 in #💡filament
What do you think is the best way to do this?
I have a schedule table where users can enter their schedules. Based on that schedule (which should be hours a o'clock or half past) I create slots (in the slots table of my database) of 30 min to schedule appointments. Here is an example: The user sets his schedule on Mondays from 10:00 to 12:00. When saving it in the Schedule table, the following available slots are automatically created in the slots table like this: (FK) schedule_id: 1 time_start: 10:00 time_end: 10:30 status: 'available (FK) schedule_id: 1 time_start: 10:30 time_end: 11:00 status: 'available (FK) schedule_id: 1 time_start: 11:00 time_end: 11:30 status: 'available (FK) schedule_id: 1 time_start: 11:30 time_end: 12:00 status: 'available should I work with a custom function in the Create file of my Schedules resource (CreateSchedule)? maybe something with beforeCreate()? what do you suggest me? Btw, currently the user already has the Schedule tab, where he can enter the day, and the start and end time of his working day. I would like some suggestion on how to implement the slots. Thanks in advance
6 replies
TLCTuto's Laravel Corner
Created by Irissu on 1/7/2025 in #💡filament
custom registration form in filament
Maybe this is a stupid question, but it is not clear to me from the official documentation how to do it. I want to customize the default registration form in filamentPHP. to add new fields. In this part of the documentation: I don't understand this part very well:
you can pass in any Filament page class to these methods. Most people will be able to make their desired customizations by extending the base page class from the Filament codebase (...) This class extends the base profile page class from the Filament codebase. Other page classes you could extend include: Filament\Pages\Auth\Login Filament\Pages\Auth\Register Filament\Pages\Auth\EmailVerification\EmailVerificationPrompt Filament\Pages\Auth\PasswordReset\RequestPasswordReset Filament\Pages\Auth\PasswordReset\ResetPassword
I don't have any Pages folder currently in my Filament folder, should I create it by hand? should I create a custom page? it seems confusing to me. Thanks in advance
5 replies
TLCTuto's Laravel Corner
Created by Irissu on 12/31/2024 in #💡filament
I can't use searchable, sortable or bulk actions in a clean installation
No description
4 replies
TLCTuto's Laravel Corner
Created by Irissu on 12/16/2024 in #💡filament
Veterinary appointment app
Hi everyone! I am new to the server. I would like to create a project of a veterinary clinic, where there are owners and veterinarians. I have been doubting a lot whether to make my application with filament or not. The main idea is to have an appointment management system where vets can put their available schedules and owners can schedule appointments for their pets. I wanted to do something like the calendars that are in some restaurants to book a table, where you can see what days they have openings and within those days choose a time slot available. I have several doubts: 1. do you think that all this can be implemented with filament or should I do a clean installation of laravel? (I don't have much time to do the project so that's why though about filament) 2. I am concerned about the calendar and the integration of appointments. Can I use external resources/libraries that are not made for filament? do you know any library in filament that can help me with the appointment calendar (and that is free...)? thank you very much for your time
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