Meithz (Razioner)
Meithz (Razioner)
Created by tzezar on 10/31/2023 in #help
Select by id?
They have it explained in the kanel docs
11 replies
Created by tzezar on 10/31/2023 in #help
Select by id?
So when wanting to find something by Id you has to cast it to the appropiate type
11 replies
Created by tzezar on 10/31/2023 in #help
Select by id?
Something like that
11 replies
Created by tzezar on 10/31/2023 in #help
Select by id?
The type is
export type [TableName]Id = string || number & {
__flavor: 'TableNameId'
export type [TableName]Id = string || number & {
__flavor: 'TableNameId'
11 replies
Created by tzezar on 10/31/2023 in #help
Select by id?
That is because Kanel create a "special" type for the id
11 replies
Created by crummy on 6/22/2023 in #help
[ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION] when running migrations
If not could you share yours?
20 replies
Created by crummy on 6/22/2023 in #help
[ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION] when running migrations
Is your code the same as in that repo?
20 replies
Created by crummy on 6/22/2023 in #help
[ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION] when running migrations
Mine was because of how Esm module resolution works on windows
20 replies
Created by crummy on 6/22/2023 in #help
[ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION] when running migrations
Not my same problem then
20 replies
Created by crummy on 6/22/2023 in #help
[ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION] when running migrations
On windows?
20 replies