Created by polemarkh on 12/12/2024 in #questions-issues
404 errors on Jupyter kernels running under starlette
OS: Linux VM Situation: running behind nginx proxy Use case: Displaying Solara app (in particular a Jdaviz interactive window) as an embedded frame in a webpage Problem: I've gotten everything to the point where it seems to mostly be working, except that I'm getting 404 errors part of the way in to loading the interface. In particular, I'm getting the following (as reported from the uvicorn starlette log output): GET /jdaviz/jupyter/api/kernels/{ID}?{value1} HTTP/1.1: 200 OK GET /jdaviz/jupyter/api/kernels/{ID}/channels?session_id={value2} HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found and then I get a repeated set of the above, where {ID} stays the same, {value1} is different every time, and {value2} is the same every time. Do you have any idea of what might be going on here?
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