Bak Lava
Need help in getting my dice to hold and release in a yahtzee type game.
Thank you. My knowledge is limited, but I am definitely taking these into consideration. Currently, trying to reproduce the looks of the UI using dynamically created controls.
20 replies
Need help in getting my dice to hold and release in a yahtzee type game.
And I found a way to dynamically create buttons, trying to figure out how that will work with the player scores, but will definitely come in handy with the dice instead of using checkboxes below them
20 replies
Need help in getting my dice to hold and release in a yahtzee type game.
Not sure I completely understand what the issue is with line 64.
When the roll button is clicked, it should roll the dice. Before the first roll, no dice will be held. The user can then click the checkbox underneath the die to save it. When the roll button is clicked a second time, it should check to see if any dice are held and then continue to roll the remaining dice. The user can click the roll button a 3rd time, it should check to see if any dice are held. If at any time the dice are released, it will reroll those dice as well. As I said this was working before, but I've made so many changes to the logic I can't seem to get it back working.
20 replies