How to start a background service using Package.appxmanifest?
can someone please help me to add a Background Service to my Avalonia UI app that's delivered through an appx?
I have two projects in my solution:
1. MyApp.UI - Avalonia UI project
2. MyApp.UI.Installer - Application Packaging Project for creating an APPX installer
Here's what I tried initially:
1. First, in MyApp.UI, I created a file called PushNotificationBackgroundService.cs:
2. Then, in MyApp.UI.Installer, I added a reference to MyApp.UI.
3. After that, in MyApp.UI.Installer, I edited the Package.appxmanifest file to add an Extension for the existing application:
The package compiles, the app installs and opens, but the PushNotificationBackgroundService isn't visible anywhere. There are no errors in the Event Viewer, and it's not showing up in processes. I even tried writing to a log file to see if it was running, but there's no file.
What am I doing wrong? Are there other ways to do this without using MSIX? Maybe directly from Program.cs?
I tried different values for the EntryPoint attribute:
- EntryPoint="$targetentrypoint$.PushNotificationBackgroundService"
- EntryPoint="MyApp.UI.PushNotificationBackgroundService"
- EntryPoint="PushNotificationBackgroundService"
Nothing seems to work
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