Created by Trace on 9/25/2023 in #help
❔ Can I/How would I do these things with CefGlue.Avalonia?
So im trying to make something, but idk what to do because im not sure how much of this can even be done with CefGlue let alone how i would even start Basically, im trying to do these things: - Modify request headers - Be able to run code when a hyperlink gets clicked before its page gets loaded - Be able to inject js/css/html
3 replies
Created by Trace on 5/25/2023 in #help
❔ avalonia cross platform issue
Im trying to port my avalonia project to android, but it just shows a white screen, android code is based on the hello world sample and the project structure was re-shaped around the "Main, Main.Desktop, Main.Android" style of project management
11 replies
Created by Trace on 12/5/2022 in #help
❔ Safe Stream Handling?
I'm making a small library for logging and am trying to log to a file safely, yet I am not sure how, as with the amount of potential log calls (please correct me if I'm wrong) using a using statement would be wasting resources, and I don't know how to automatically close the stream on exit or make it to where if run on Linux, it could trace the log while the application is running.
2 replies