Steph le Fermier
Steph le Fermier
Created by Steph le Fermier on 5/6/2024 in #help
Little problem with a function for a total newbie ...
hi guys ... I'm a C# newbie, just starting to learn and i am having a problem I can't seem to fix. i have a form with browse button, to select a directory in which i will look for some files. for example, i have a file named "map.i3d" and when found, declared as mapI3Dfile in my project. i have a function that is supposed to add 2 strings at precise places in the file in case of one or two don't exist. And if insertion of string1 is done correctly, a message is sent to a richTextBox. if no need to insert the string, another message is sent to the textbox. same thing for string2. the function does exactly what I want for string1, so I used the same "routine" to check and then eventually to insert string2. the insertion is perfectly done but the problem is pretty simple. No matter string2 is not already present in the file, the script thinks the string2 thinks the string2 is present, so it returns the bad insertion state. Here is below the code of the function that is handling that part... If someone can help me, that would be greatly appreciated !! Code of the function ===>
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