•Created by Bhavesh on 11/18/2024 in #community-help
Multiple crashes (val -185 error)
My game js crashing multiple times and its showing connection error with val -185
Any solution?
12 replies
•Created by Bhavesh on 11/17/2024 in #community-help
Twitch Drops > Jinx Card
I watched temet's stream for an hour as it's required for redeeming the jinx card but when i open the game i cant see it in my collection :/ pls help
7 replies
•Created by Bhavesh on 1/3/2024 in #community-help
Weekly missions bugged timer
I just logged in to ny account ti check for the accessories shop and found out that the weekly missions reset timer is set to some 5 thousand days
Is it some bug or I'm tripping...
2 replies