CDCloudflare Developers
Created by harisenbon on 4/14/2024 in #workers-help
Workers not receiving some requests?
I think this is going to hard to troubleshoot -- but we're seeing CloudFlare workers not receiving a number of requests. We have a script that triggers analytics tracking to both our Nginx server as well as our CloudFlare worker. When comparing the two with wrangler tail, we have significantly less requests to our CloudFlare worker than our Nginx server, even though they're being sent at the same time, from the same script (only the domain is different a.example.com vs b.example.com) I've confirmed that the traffic is real people (not bots), and I'm wondering if there are settings that we should look at to see what else could be blocking the requests. I THINK that the offending traffic is coming from sandboxed browsers in apps (like the Facebook browser or TikTok browser) but I'm not sure why that would make a difference. Another possibility is that we fire off a number of these requests right in a row (sometimes 2~4) and maybe CloudFlare is seeing them as DDOS?
4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by harisenbon on 10/13/2023 in #general-help
Possible to use the "Custom Hostnames" feature with CNAMEs pointing to a worker?
We are trying to move our click tracking over to CloudFlare workers instead of our current server-side setup. We have set up a new worker which is currently able to receive clicks correctly and process them. That worker is available from both the root domain EXAMPLE.workers.dev as well as a custom domain we attached worker.EXAMPLE.net. Our current server-side setup users Custom Hostnames to allow our customers to point a CNAME at our domain and we wanted to do the same with the new webworker. I set up a Custom Hostname on the EXAMPLE.net domain: Fallback Origin: worker.EXAMPLE.net Custom Hostname: testing.EXAMPLE.com However, when I do this, the domain gives me a 522 "Connection timed out" error. Is it possible to use Custom Hostnames with CF workers?
4 replies