CDCloudflare Developers
Created by hanpolo on 11/23/2024 in #pages-help
Durable Object '503 Service Unavailable'
I have developed a Pages application that connects to a Durable Object via a Pages Function. This all used to work as of 2 or 3 months ago. When I came back from my break and upgraded wrangler yesterday, the function is no longer able to connect to the DO on my local server. 1. When I run the pages function is says that the durable object is 'not connected' 2. When I start a browser I get a '503 Service Unavailable' I have defined my durable object in a worker with a .toml file with: name = "decision-do-dev" [durable_objects] bindings = [ { name="DECISION_DO", class_name="DecisionDO" } ] I run this separately on a terminal with npx wrangler pages dev I then run my pages application with npx wrangler pages dev [directory] --do=DECISION_DO=DecisionDO@decision-do-dev I open the durable object with the following code in the function: const id = this.context.env.DECISION_DO.idFromString("id-string-looked-up"); const stub = this.context.env.DECISION_DO.get(doId); const doResponse = await stub.fetch(this.context.request); doResponse comes back with status 503 Service Unavailable. Any thoughts on what may have changed?
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