Created by Fwedi on 5/12/2024 in #help
Trying to understand MVVM and MVC. Blazor ASP.NET
I'm trying to desgin a web portal using blazor but I can't really wrap my head around how I could code it. Mainly how exactly I could connect the database and the front end. Sorry if I'm asking too much. How could I make use of design patterns like mvc and mvvm to help me out with this? Is one strictly better or more modern or are they both useful and practical? Do I have to pick between the two or is it possible to use both patterns at the same time? Is it possible to have a component that displays a table based on what I query the database? Like for example: If I query the database to "select col1, col2 from A" or to "select col3, col4, col5 from B" Would it be possible to have one dynamic component thst can receive the result of both queries and display the data?
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