ASP.NET Core, prevent environment variables being exposed in launchsettings.json
I made my github repository public and immediately got an email from SendGrid saying my api key has been disabled cuz It was detected somewhere public. How do I tackle this, cuz all envarionment variables are in launchsettings? New to envirnoment variables. Prevent laucnhsetting.json from being pushed to GitHub?
41 replies
ASP.NET core, Access Table that is defined in another project
I have defined and created a table ("Files") in another project than the project i wanna access the data from, is that even possible? Cuz I cant do _context.Files, bec the context doesent have Files bec its defined in another context in another project.
19 replies
Where to store passwords and ApiKeys for production ASP.NET
Hi, im new to publishing web apps in core and I dont understand where to store my connectionstring and my ApiKeys. Someone was saying Environment Variables like the one ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is set like so I made them exactly like that by selectiong my project => properties => debug => set env var.
But then someone else said that environment variables is not for production, is there different types of environment variables? Im so lost. ChatGPT said yesterday environment variables is for production, today it sais its only for development.
24 replies
I get Invalid Token at ConfirmEmailAsync(user, token)
I get an error: Invalid Token. Ive tried with and without Encode and decode, what Im I doing wrong?
var token = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(viewModel);
token = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(token));
var result = await _userManager.ConfirmEmailAsync(viewModel, token);
17 replies