Sébastien Morel
Sébastien Morel
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Sébastien Morel on 12/27/2023 in #workers-help
Within worker DNS resolution is failing
Hello, I am pretty confident that my worker when it is reached through its custom domain. Y.Z.com is unable to resolve X.Z.com. - Zone is not entirely managed by Cloudflare (partial CNAME setup) - Y.Z.com is reachable and worker is running correctly. (just DNS resolution is broken) - X.Z.com is managed on AWS - when reached via it's worker.dev route, DNS resolution is working. I have logs and proofs of all that. Any help? I can't be the only one with that error? Either I do something weird or it's a bug somewhere. Thanks This doc says it should work: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/configuration/routing/custom-domains/#:~:text=On%20the%20same%20zone%2C%20if,succeed%20without%20a%20service%20binding
27 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Sébastien Morel on 12/19/2023 in #workers-help
Request to URL on the same zone but in CNAME configuration
Hello, I have a weird behavior that I have an hard time debugging. I reach out my worker via my custom domain, this worker is actually doing a fetch to another endpoint on a different domain but same zone. like Worker is: xxxx.plop.com and I fetch from this worker to yyyy.plop.com And when I do that the fetch is clearly not working all the time.. like a weird resolving issue. If I access the worker from the route "worker.dev" it's working 100% i have plenty of debug the fetch is just empty OR sometime it says: "Invalid Link" Any hint ? or way to debug more? Thanks
9 replies