•Created by christian_drake on 12/18/2024 in #questions
Has anyone ever seen this error
Thanks for the update, I thought these might be because mojo is a young language. I'm assuming I just need to create a new mojo project.
7 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
Now I have something to work from.
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
Thank you so much. I'd gotten to the point that I was trying 'address_of( 0X01 )' lol
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
thanks, I'll look through the seed documentation
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
yeah, for the random_si64, I used a while x < 10 and just had the random run that many times. My mind is still having trouble understanding how to use the randint pointer, but I'll keep cracking at it
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
Also, I'm noticing that random_si64(0, 42) is consistantly coming up with the same numbers in order. I've compared multiple runs now using a 10 count to verify. This is the order that I've been getting. I got these number 7 times in a row. The odds are ridiculous really. I might go to Vegas if it's legit random.
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
So looking over the random module documentation, what does it mean that randint "fills memory" instead of returning a value? What is the usage of filling memory in mojo?
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
I'll read the docs and tinker around with it for a while and post more focused questions as I try to learn. Thank you.
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 12/4/2024 in #questions
Help I have skill issues
I'm looking over everything now. I'd read through some of it, but I've really only messed with python and rust. manual memory management is difficult for me to wrap my head around.
22 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 11/26/2024 in #questions
Bug or Feature
Yeah, I erased that code and tried a different algorithm and the while loop needed the proper indentation. I just picked up this language like a day ago, so when that happened my mind exploded.
16 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 11/26/2024 in #questions
Bug or Feature
Like I said, I'm uber noob. So I'm sure something was off.
16 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 11/26/2024 in #questions
Bug or Feature
negative, I'm using VS code.
16 replies
•Created by christian_drake on 11/26/2024 in #questions
Bug or Feature
Here is the main function. There are some other issues with the code right now but the while loop is working correctly. Before posting the question, I confirmed that adding indentation raised an indentation error. Again, I'm really new to this language so I'm still learning a lot. Hope this helps in your analysis.
16 replies