CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Metriusz on 1/20/2024 in #general-help
"invalid digit found in string while parsing with radix 16"
I'm trying to use the following expression in my rule:
(http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))
(http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))
There seems to be a problem with the following part - without it it works perfectly fine:
(not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))
(not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))
It also works if I replace it with a constant like this (but that doesn't really solve my issue):
(not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq "abc123")))
(not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq "abc123")))
The error I'm getting is:
'(http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))' is not a valid value for expression because the expression is invalid: Filter parsing error (1:191): (http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri))) ^^ invalid digit found in string while parsing with radix 16 (Code: 20127)
'(http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri)))' is not a valid value for expression because the expression is invalid: Filter parsing error (1:191): (http.request.uri.path.extension in {"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif"}) and (not (any(http.request.headers["via"][*] contains "image-resizing"))) and (not (any(http.request.headers["referer"][*] eq http.request.full_uri))) ^^ invalid digit found in string while parsing with radix 16 (Code: 20127)
4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Metriusz on 1/18/2024 in #general-help
Getting started with Cloudflare Images for images stored outside of Images
Are there any docs available on how to use Cloudflare Images with images stored outside of Images? The information in the dashboard is very limited, and Images docs seem to focus solely on Images-hosted images
9 replies