Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Not sure I understand your "empty" ArrayField comment. I found the {required: false}, which allows for spare arrays. Is there some sort of {empty: ?} option for ArrayFields that removes the spares property?
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Is my use of getData to merge not ideal?
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
There are a couple of data prep functions, which one should I look at?
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
I sorta need a 1-1 match so I can do some backend calculations & change.value fading (custom system rules). Given there is no unique key, I'm left with an index to do the matching.
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
async getData() {
const context = await super.getData();
for (let i = 0; i < context.data.changes.length; i++) {
context.data.changes[i] = { ...context.data.changes[i], ...context.data.system.changes?.[i] };
async getData() {
const context = await super.getData();
for (let i = 0; i < context.data.changes.length; i++) {
context.data.changes[i] = { ...context.data.changes[i], ...context.data.system.changes?.[i] };
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
No description
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
I supposed I can perform a filter during the merge...
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Yuck, when I make the ArrayField not required the merge of changes and system.changes no longer is 1-1 and it makes a mess of things.
export class HeroSystem6eActorActiveEffectsSystemData extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields = foundry.data.fields;
return {
changes: new fields.ArrayField(
new fields.SchemaField(
seconds: new fields.NumberField({ integer: true }),
activePoints: new fields.NumberField({ integer: false }),
source: new fields.StringField(),
startTime: new fields.NumberField({ integer: true }),
{ required: false },
export class HeroSystem6eActorActiveEffectsSystemData extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields = foundry.data.fields;
return {
changes: new fields.ArrayField(
new fields.SchemaField(
seconds: new fields.NumberField({ integer: true }),
activePoints: new fields.NumberField({ integer: false }),
source: new fields.StringField(),
startTime: new fields.NumberField({ integer: true }),
{ required: false },
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Like I said I have it working. I'm willing to try more suggestions to make it work better or more inline with foundry/dev recommendations.
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
BTW: I'm learning alot in this thread. Thanks for your time!
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
If I delete the last change and the array indexes 1-X are sequential, it coerces into an array just fine.
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
the coercion into an array bypasses this issue.
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
No description
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
taking out my "custom" fix and see if it coerces like you said is should.
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
No description
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
No description
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Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Foundry cheated by coercing data.changes into an array. I just did the same for data.system.changes. Looks like a dataModel isn't really neceessary in this specific case.
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
I did get it working:
_getSubmitData(updateData = {}) {
const fd = new FormDataExtended(this.form, { editors: this.editors, disabled: true });
let data = foundry.utils.expandObject(fd.object);
if (updateData) foundry.utils.mergeObject(data, updateData);
data.changes = Array.from(Object.values(data.changes || {}));
data.statuses ??= [];

data.system.changes = Array.from(Object.values(data.system.changes || {}));
return data;
_getSubmitData(updateData = {}) {
const fd = new FormDataExtended(this.form, { editors: this.editors, disabled: true });
let data = foundry.utils.expandObject(fd.object);
if (updateData) foundry.utils.mergeObject(data, updateData);
data.changes = Array.from(Object.values(data.changes || {}));
data.statuses ??= [];

data.system.changes = Array.from(Object.values(data.system.changes || {}));
return data;
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
debugger stuff. The one with red circles is the formData.
88 replies
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Object.assign(CONFIG.ActiveEffect.dataModels, {
// REF: https://foundryvtt.wiki/en/development/api/DataModel
base: HeroSystem6eActorActiveEffectsSystemData,
Object.assign(CONFIG.ActiveEffect.dataModels, {
// REF: https://foundryvtt.wiki/en/development/api/DataModel
base: HeroSystem6eActorActiveEffectsSystemData,
88 replies