Created by jimmy on 8/14/2024 in #✋|help
Cloudflare Tunnel with Postgres DB
No description
13 replies
Created by jimmy on 4/29/2023 in #✋|help
Github Actions deploy - Show build logs
4 replies
Created by jimmy on 9/14/2022 in #✋|help
React + Vite + React Router - 404 on page reload.
Hi all, We really love your product and we are evaluating to move our current infrastructure to your offered service. We are running into an issue where we have a React app bundled with Vite and client side routing is handled by react-router@6. the app builds and deploys fine and we can see the app remotely @ https://piggy-frontend-production.up.railway.app however when we reload the page we get a 404. we know in order to fix this we need to manually change server rewrites to redirect to /index.html. This functionality is not present on the project dashboard nor in the railway repo settings. Is this a know issue to you or there is some settings we are not seeing? hopefully you can help out 🙂 thanks!
7 replies