Created by MeWosh on 8/8/2024 in #help
blazor maui hybrid js initializers not working
Description: I wanted to display a modal the first time my app is launched and never display it again after modal button is clicked but since it has a sliding out animation I wanted to wait after the animation finishes and then set the flag _displayModal to false. Since Blazor doesn't have built-in event related to animation end and doing Task.Delay(animation duration) seemed unprofessional I decided to create custom event which Blazor allows me to do but it doesn't work. Here's the code that follows Microsoft documentation: Bonsai.lib.module.js located in wwwroot folder (Bonsai is the name of my project). I tried adding async and changing event to something like 'click' but it also doesn't work.
export function afterStarted(blazor) {
blazor.registerCustomEventType('onanimationended', {
browserEventName: 'animationend',
createEventArgs: event => {
return {
animationName: event.animationName
export function afterStarted(blazor) {
blazor.registerCustomEventType('onanimationended', {
browserEventName: 'animationend',
createEventArgs: event => {
return {
animationName: event.animationName
public class AnimationEndedEventArgs : EventArgs
public string? AnimationName { get; set; }
public class AnimationEndedEventArgs : EventArgs
public string? AnimationName { get; set; }
EventHandlers class:
[EventHandler("onanimationended", typeof(AnimationEndedEventArgs), enableStopPropagation: true, enablePreventDefault: true)]
public static class EventHandlers
[EventHandler("onanimationended", typeof(AnimationEndedEventArgs), enableStopPropagation: true, enablePreventDefault: true)]
public static class EventHandlers
And then when I want to put @onanimationended="SomeMethod" in my component just to Debug.WriteLine to check if it is working nothing gets written to debug output. What I tried: cleaning and rebuilding solution and project multiple times, turning Visual Studio off and on again, rebooting my PC, installing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView in version 8.0.4 since it helped some people. I have latest .NET 8, probably latest MAUI and Visual Studio as well since I downloaded it like 2 weeks ago. I mainly tested this on Android emulator but on Windows it doesn't seem to work too. I'd really appreciate any help
2 replies
Created by MeWosh on 2/3/2023 in #help
❔ where exactly should i put authorization
so i read a few posts on where to put authorization and most of the people agree on putting it in the service rather than in controller. but in there's this [Authorize] attribute which if you try to put somewhere else rather than in the controller it just won't work - it doesn't block any endpoint and throws no errors (at least with no authentication scheme specified) whereas when i put it in the controller it works as expected - blocks the endpoint and throws expected error - in this case 500 internal server error, no authentication scheme specified. so my question is should i just use authorization in the controller or there's a way of implementing it in the service? and which way is better?
19 replies