Optimizing Large i18n Loading in Blazor
I added now to all steps a timestamp. On my macbook pro which is a
machine it took around 4 seconds for loading and deserializing everything. I dont use any library for accessing the local storage (see below). For Deserialization i use System.Text.Json
This is for loading out of local storage
That are the results:
LoadCachedLanguage Start 0
LoadCachedLanguage End 2,8571
Deserialization Start 2,8576999
Deserialization End 4,231199914 replies
Optimizing Large i18n Loading in Blazor
I put some console logs around and its more or less the serialization and loading from localstorage. The fetching is not the problem. My guess is the translation layer between wasm and js is the problem. Thats why i asked if there is
way of duing it.14 replies