PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by martonlederer on 8/8/2023 in #👟framework
Parcel throwing an error in production
As described here:, the following error is thrown:
Could not resolve bundle with id
Could not resolve bundle with id
The content script fails in production mode. I've traced this back to a Parcel error (@parcel/runtime-js/src/helpers/bundle-manifest.js).
3 replies
PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by martonlederer on 2/21/2023 in #👟framework
Chunked messaging flow
Hey guys, I was wondering wondering if chunked messaging was ever considered for @plasmohq/messaging, or if it is part of the roadmap. A few months ago when experimenting with the native chrome.runtime messaging API, I've found that if you're trying to send a large message to the background, it fails to do so. I've solved this in the ArConnect extension by having multiple messages with chunks of the data i'm sending, but I'm wondering if a native support for this, built into the messaging library was more appropriate. The library could automatically decide, if a message needs to be send chunked or not. (Unfortunately I couldn't find any info in the chrome extension docs about the limit for messages).
25 replies