Handling reading large files in C#
infact i believe you can just use
have a byte[] of size 1024 (or whatever chunk size)
then Read(byte_arr)
byte_arr will have the bytes, check if it has what you are looking for, and then keep going, the only issue with this is if the text you are looking for is inbetween 2 chunks but that's an easy enough fix50 replies
Handling reading large files in C#
you should be able to read a chunk (there's a function for it, i don't dick around with streams that often but you can choose how many bytes to read) for say, 1024 bytes and then store that, scan it, and then free the memory (by overwriting the byte[] storing the chunk)
50 replies
❔ whats the best site or youtube channel to start learning c#?
how so? i've been using VS Code for all my projects from when i was a begineer to this day and i haven't had any editor-specific issues, only time i used an IDE was when i tried out avalonia
36 replies