Created by Bjorn on 6/24/2024 in #community-help
Premier rewards
Are premier titles/buddies being given out at the end of the act, or should you have already gotten them?
3 replies
Created by Bjorn on 3/7/2024 in #community-help
Streamlabs/Valorant crash
Hey, when I try to stream valorant on twitch both my valorant and my streamlabs crash very often. (Basically every 30minutes). I really would love to stream the game on twitch but this makes it basically impossible. Here are my PC specs: CPU- i7-11700 GPU- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 RAM- 16GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 3200MHz STORAGE- 2TB SEAGATE BARRACUDA SATA-III 3.5" HDD STORAGE- 512GB PCS PCIe M.2 SSD COOLING- PCS FrostFlow 100 RGB V3 Series High Performance CPU Cooler Does anybody know a fix for this?
7 replies
Created by Bjorn on 12/16/2023 in #community-help
No 3D sound
I just got a new pc, and ever since I have that I don´t have 3D sound from time to time, and restarting valorant/pc doesn't work. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Mono is off in windows settings, HRTF is on in valorant. (Windows 11) Anyone knows a fix?
1 replies